Cloud 2x2 $60 Offer

Yes we are making it easier for our team to success with a FREE $60 offer when you join our team your money will grow daily so it is is impossible to lose on this team. Yes you read that Correct if you are not in profit with our Team in 90 Days with our $60 Gift we will give you the other half of your cost to join Cloud 2x2 back and you Keep the lifetime Products.

NoBrainer HUH!

Marc and Mike Marketing system always effecting always Free!

Chat with us Live or connect with us on skype:


My status

Pastorbrewer (retired w/) tag line.

My status

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

cloud2x2 not a scam

To all of you who are searching for this company with the word scam looking for information. This post is for you. The reason you are searching for the negative is because you have experience failure in a home based business. Don't worry your not alone. Most people fail at new things they try and everyone know some who tried insurance, real estate, investing, construction business, church, store or dinner, and yes Amway and Avon. 

None of these industries are Scams even though people fail in all of them and many more daily. The problem is people do not have the right supports or skills or mentorship to be successful in these businesses. Let me assure you there are people on the other side of the money in every opportunity, and those are the people who have experience and people around them working towards the same goal.

Cloud 2x2 is not a scam first of all there are two viable products that you will get for a lifetime which is a good deal here. No monthly fee's !!  One is a cloud computer back up. Being one that has lost all my data and pictures from a virus (scam) I can tell you that computer back up is very precious. To get this service for life vs the tv ads that want to charge you monthly and annually is a good deal.

Next is the product I am going to be adding to my life long training course. Which is a skype marketing tool. Let me tell you skype is the business social network. It's is once of the most powerful misunderstood tools online. First of all I like you had skype before and it slowed my computer way down.  Those days are over!!  Skype is optimized now to work on your current computer and NO you do not need a camera! I don't want to see your pink robe(lol),  no you don't need a headset or a mike to use it. However many people save a bundle calling person to person on skype world wide FREE!

What so amazing for business and what I will be teaching you is you can chat with someone in any part of the world in 5 min and grow your business internationally.  The cloud 2x2 Xsky product like I said is not a scam it puts your communication on steriords. You are able to send a message to your entire skype list with a push of a button.  The software will end find people to connect with you.  Its a great networking tool.  If you have a desire to make money online  you need Cloud 2x2 and someone to guide you out of the the world wide spider web.  I have been stuck before and no knowing what to do. This is why after 6 years of success on line  I now focus on Team and Training.  So hopefully you can see why the Cloud 2x2 products and value and is not a Scam.

Now It probable that the person who told you about Cloud 2x2 has not explained these things to you.  Simple reason....they are not using them.  Most people market Money a compensation plan only and that is the product to them. When purchase a product and you don't get the results then you feel scammed. That is what happens when your Marketing income, cash, cycle  and nothing else of value long term.  So when you join that person and the only result you are looking for is the Green and you don't see it  like feel scammed, and rightfully so. They sold you on getting paid allot of money unfortunately. Is it possible  YES! It's real the industry is you or the person that is sharing this with you know how or have done it before multiple times know how to do it....probably not.   That's why we are hear as an alternative  we use our experience to help your ROI and take you further into understanding how to make money online with your current business or ones you will be introduced to in the future.

You can chat with us online does not matter who's team you are on we are not selfish  you can utilize or tips and tools and videos to help you which will be displayed on the facebook page and twitter post. This will help you learn things that others just didn't know to tell you.  As you can see none of the people you know or they knew had an understanding of how how to be on the first page of google and utilize all the social networks to help their teams....we do and have more to share with you. See you on SKYPE !

Mike skype bigmicmob38   Marc skype pastorbrewer  (retire w/)   

Marcus Brewer
Skype Id:  pastorbrewer

Cloud2x2 twitter facebook Marketing team

Join the Mike and Mark Cloud2x2 Twitter team. Here is how this system works. We will be growing this list of people who are not only network marketers so you can grow your list off of ours. But also we will set our software to connect with everyone who is tweeting about skype! This a powerful way to build contacts through our system and grow your Cloud 2x2 list of people that would be interested in our product.

If you don't have twitter or don't understand it. Don't worry  we will be post training videos on our Team marketing Face book Page.  Join us on Both social networks this is a strong system to help you grow Cloud 2x2.  You can chat with both of us online anything just Click on the Support Chat on the Right.

Remember get connected to the system because they way it works  you ONLY NEED 1 to qualify.  so we help everyone get that one with our Systems, Social media, Skype, Email, and Videos. We will market your link because we are already qualified now our goal is to help our team  1 X 1 in  cloud 2x2.  We have a system with a proven track record.  Looking forward to Marketing and networking with you as partners.

Mike and Marc
Chat online on the blog  and add us to your skype.

Marcus Brewer
Skype Id:  pastorbrewer

Monday, August 13, 2012

Cloud 2x2 Team

Cloud 2x2 Team  Please Contact us for the next spot its moving to fast and we want no one left behind.

The above link will change frequently as we continue to help each person get qualified. Soon it goes to fast and we just ask you to contact us so we can get you to the correct link.

This is one of our strategies that help us build together with integrity. When you become apart of our team build we actually market your link. this helps our team grow systematically and everyone cycle working together.  We monitor our organization and direct new sign ups to the team so everyone makes money together long term.

While others are repelling people away from them with yet another facebook biz opp and email blast. Internet sales people are no different than door to door sales people, they see you coming and they don't answer....LOL.

Well if your tired of cyber rejection of spaming your link only to see know one has clicked on it or responded. Let us share with you a better way.  Consider this,  All things being equal, people want to do business with their friends. All things not quite so equal, people STILL want to do business with their friends.  Hint: to climb the ladder of success, you don't need more techniques and strategies, you need more friends.  Mike are Marc build long lasting friendships. and Patrick is a new one.

There are others of you that have signed up. Please reach out to us so we can help you and place your link on the blog so everyone grows together.

Mike & Marc Team Focus Builders!

Marcus Brewer
Skype Id:  pastorbrewer

Cloud 2x2 Compensation Plan

Cloud 2x2 Compensation Plan

I know how the story goes. Been marketing online long enough to know the story very well. You have seen one of these before right. You tried it and could not get anybody. So you paid others way in and same result you spent more than you made because they could not get anybody. So you ended up with nothing while it seems the person who brought you in was making all this money and none of it was seeming to find its way into your organization. No spillover no support no money.  I've been called a prophet many times but its not that deep. It's just a principle  you were promoting a program and not a product

Listen when you sell money then you sound like a snake oil sales person. When you think the money and the potential earnings is the Benefit of whatever you are marketing  it won't succeed long term. Remember this people always want value and if they have consistent value then they continual promote a product. If the only value of whatever it is your marketing is dollar signs, well there will always be something else of equal or greater value that can attack your prospects, your team and even you to the next deal of the day.

Listen you may already be in Cloud doing well or need some help. Either way I look forward to showing you how to market differently than you have ever before. I know you want to succeed and it takes that cuss word of recruiting that everyone can't seem to do consistently. Understand this little tip that may help open you up to a new way of doing business. To be a recruiter is to focus on be a marketer is to focus on product.  Network Marketing is about  connecting  People(network)  to Product(marketing) no money.

When you product is money and you recruit people with that premise it starts a chain reaction of expectation and your integrity and credibility. You know your on the wrong road when you promote something and you feel you have to tell how much money you are or are not making as a major reason of the persons decision.
When what you are selling (money) does not deliver (profit) you lose credibility with that (person), and your influence begins to shrink from the next person to the next person to the next deal and the next.

So I encourage you take a look at another way Mike and Marc will show you how market is a team building value added way.

Connect with us on Chat or Skype.
looking forward to talking with you,
Mike & Marc

Marcus Brewer
Skype Id:  pastorbrewer

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Cloud 2x2 Review

Cloud 2x2 Review

How do you succeed in Cloud 2x2?  Unselfish team work. Only those who HELP the most people become winners for once win themselves.  It's one of my favorite sayings from Zig Ziglar.  You can have anything in life you want if you help enough other people get what they want.  This is what Mike and Marc believe and live by and Cloud 2x2 aligns with the ways we have build our organization to over 19,000 members globally.
Stay tuned on this blog as we are approaching a 20k member milestone.

What is it that you want. A growing income and knowledge on how to be successful marketing your various businesses correct.  That is why we decided to market this product because it achieves a goal many people have. How do I grow a network is the question you have from one company to the next. No matter how great the opportunity if you don't have someone who has done it and will take you under their wing to show you how to do it, its going to be a long learning curve.  This is why people stay with our system of support and training that helps you marketing any company. This is what cloud 2x2 does it give you a product to do it as well.

We are going to show you how not only to use Cloud 2x2 to market to others but grow any business you ever do in the future. Welcome to a Team helping others achieve the Dream.

Chat with us or give us a call on phone or skype.

Mike or Marc.

See you at the Top of  the Clouds!

Marcus Brewer
Skype Id:  pastorbrewer

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Cloud2x2 Get $60 when you Join our Team  Yes your read that right.  Join the Top Team marketing system.
Marc and Mike have the best opportunity to help everyone succeed. Teaching you how to grow any business in the future.

Join is @  the beginning of the beginning!!

Cloud 2x2 Compensation plan
Short small 2x2 boards.
$125 one time to join.
Takes one sign up to qualify.
$25 fast start bonus for every sign up you get and a 10%sponsored member cycle bonus.
Marketing software and advertising products

simple 2x2 Board Earnings…
1st E-Pin Total payout
2nd $500 $500 
3rd $1000 $1000 
4th $2000 $2000 
5th $7000 $2000

When you join our team you will be trained on marketing strategies you can use to be successful in any business.  Our goal is to make each person on our team a stronger more effective marketer so we continue to grow cloud2x2 and any other joint venture together.   We have a current team build data base of over 19,000 members.  Join the top marketing Team system in Cloud and get $60!!  YES!! It's REAL!

Marc & Mike

Marcus Brewer
Skype Id:  pastorbrewer